Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Week One - Independant Study


When documenting the Town Hall Subway Station, only a handful of instruments from the list below are relevant. This is mainly due to the cost and availability of many of these instruments, as well as the scale in which I'm working in, will eliminate a majority of them. The main tools ill be using to document the station will include:

* Surveyor's Wheel

This device for measuring distance is a small to medium scale instrument which will allow me to fairly accurately determine distances with ease. Allowing me to quickly and efficiently map out larger areas.

* Tape Measure

This will allow me to accurately measure smaller scale areas of the subway, in a fairly simple way. I will however need another person to help hold one end of the tape measure.

* Microphone

Used to record voice will allow me to measure the many sounds that can be heard within the subway. This can be done using my mobile phone or another readily available instrument from home and therefore wont require any additional costs and will allow me to document and keep a record of any sounds heard.

* Camera

Using my mobile phone or canon camera, I'll be able to capture as many photos as I desire, which I will then be able to take home and will help me to document the area, giving me a visual representation in which I can continue to develop a model of the subway, renewing my memory with a simple glance at a photo.

* Infra-red Camera

This will allow me to gain a sense of interaction, showing people and how their interacting in the relevant areas. This will also allow me to keep images on record.

* Myself

I will use my own interaction, and senses to document the subway. This will give me a first hand account of the area.

These are cheap, relevant and readily available methods to documenting the subway station, as this is a fairly small scale project and measurements don't need to be highly accurate.

SolidWorks Town Hall Subway Station

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